Screen real estate is important. By resizing the Max toolbar buttons you can squeeze 50% more on screen without adding another row.
- Simply go into Customize > Preferences
- Chose the General tab
- Uncheck Use Large Toolbar buttons
Screen real estate is important. By resizing the Max toolbar buttons you can squeeze 50% more on screen without adding another row.
If I’m working fast I hate waiting for the interface to catch up with me. In Photoshop Holding the space bar to pan is cool. Waiting for the image to stop sliding is not
So I spent 5 minutes throwing and catching an image… and actually it’s intuitive and kinda fun.
Flick to throw and tap to stop
Alternatively you can disable the feature here.
Edit > Preferences > General > Enable flick Panning
Somehow the 60GB on my SSD is never enough for windows (sigh) and I’m always doing house cleaning to make sure it has enough free space. Treemaps help me visualise the data and clear out the biggest space hogging offenders.
I designed my desktop I opted for a superfast but small SSD drive for the windows OS and a big 1TB raid for everything else ( i’ve also another 200MB SSD for cache files and program files). VFX generates a bucket load of data. It’s important to keep on top of my house keeping.
This will show you how to remove the annoying circles that appear in windows 7 and windows 10 when you use a wacom tablet.They’re for touch screens, and you don’t need them if you have the wacom pen buttons. They just get in the way and slow you down.
1.Open the windows control panel.
2.Select ‘pen and touch’
3.In ‘pen options’ select ‘press and hold’ and press the settings button.
4.Uncheck the ‘enable press and hold for right-clicking’ option. ok to close the dialogs.
1. Click windows start and type gpedit.msc into the command line
2. Click gpedit.msc from the programs list to open the ‘local group policy editor’
3. Navigate to… User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Tablet PC > Cursor.
4. Set ‘Turn off pen feedback’ to enabled.
5. Now navigate to… Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Tablet PC > Cursor.
6. And again Set ‘Turn off pen feedback’ to enabled.
I was still getting some glitches in windows 10 where the wacom pen failed to left click. This seemed to cure the problem.
The radar circle and the splash circle are the things that really bug me when I’m using the wacom pen. But you can also dig a bit deeper…
1.Open the windows control panel.
2.Select ‘pen and touch’
3.Choose the flicks tab
4.Uncheck ‘Use flicks to perform common actions quickly and easily’.
5.Uncheck ‘Display flicks icon in the notifications area’ ok to close the dialogs.
1.With the control panel view in “view by category mode”.
2.Go into Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features On or Off
3.Untick the Tablet PC Components
It melts my brain that this is still an issue in windows 10. Hopefully the solutions above will help. If you try working through in stages you’ll get a feel for what windows trying to do and how it messes up Wacom.
…. So then there’s windows uac to fix ….