Costing animation: good ideas with a good stories win

Da_n_flowersThe art of budget animation is much like the art of budget live action movies. Can we create something compelling with a small cast of characters in a single location? The answer is of course ‘yes we can’ given a good idea and a good script.

With animation I find there are three categories of cost

  • Cost to plan
  • Cost per asset
  • Cost per shot

Cost to plan

  • Script
  • mood boards and concept art.
  • storyboards
  • Management and scheduling

Cost per asset

(per character , per environment , per prop )

  • Modelling
  • Rigging ( connecting the model to a skeleton for animation
  • texturing ( The colour of the surface )
  • material shaders ( how the surface responds to light … is reflective, dusty, matte transparent etc… )

Cost per shot

  • Animation time
  • special FX expositions etc
  • Lighting and rendering
  • Compositing (layering different images and movies together to create the final shot )
  • Sound design
  • Music
  • Editing

For a fully CG animation literally every blade off grass must be made and placed in our virtual world, and every hair on a characters head must be combed into place. We must be virtual makeup artists, carpenters, hairdresser, tailors, photographers etc.. All the jobs of a liveaction movie are recreated virtually.

Photoreal CG is a lot of work. Costs will add up into thousands of pounds per character and per shot. With games costing many millions to create there are huge marketing budgets, and we have been wowed by many epic animations costing hundreds of thousands.

So the art of budget animation is to minimise the number of locations and the size of the cast. But With animation we also have the advantage of creating simplified styles (like southpark or monty pythons cutout animation ) and this can greatly reduce costs.

We have a range of styles to chose from. Here they are in order of cost

  • Stills with sound and music ( like a moving comic )
  • 2d Animated Cartoon Cutouts
  • 3d Animation in a cartoon style
  • 3d Characters composited into photographed environments
  • 3d characters in fully 3d worlds

… good ideas with a good stories win

With a good script all of these styles can deliver a compelling story. We can blind our audience with stunning visual FX. But a good idea with a good story will do the job just as well, and we can get the message across  for considerably less money.

On the flip side holes in the script only get worse as the production develops. Its very hard to fix a bad story in post…

A good production methodology helps.

The deeper into the production we get the longer everything takes. There’s no point polishing a shot if it’s not needed. Good story boards and previs will save time in the long run.

This process is beautiful described in this short  The story of animation


Amazing Short: Stardust

My Dad was in the Uk space program. As a kid I touched instruments that would fly to the farthest reaches of the solar system. It fueled my imagination. I found this on vimeo, and it reminded me of those exciting, mysterious days. It’s just beautiful. 🙂

PostPanic’s short film, Stardust, is a story about Voyager 1 (the unmanned spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer solar system).

Sci-fi London 48-hour film challenge 2013:matte painting

The short film ‘Creep’ was our entry into the Sci-fi London 48-hour film challenge 2013.


This was the unpainted frame from the Sony fs700 camera

creep_before After

Then, after 15 hours matte painting, our destroyed London shrouded in radioactive fog.

With this kinda of thing there’s so much detail to add I’ll just keep working until some-one pulls the plug. It would have been nice to add larger broken features to the foreground but there simply wasn’t enough time.

Indie Film

Last weekend I joined up with a bunch of friends to enter the sci-fi London 48hour short film challenge. It was a pretty intense couple of days…. with sleep definitely optional. The schedule is nuts. Half of the 360 teams missed the monday deadline to submit the film. But we made the top 10 shortlist.

Backwoods from Ascension Productions on Vimeo.

Shot on the Panasonic af101. Outside with no lights and clouds rolling across the sky The camera team had to work hard to keep up with the changing light conditions. As a result some of the images were blown out. Maybe if it was a 12bit camera ….

I’ve been looking for a good indie film camera for a while now. After the rather disappointing release of the new canon 5Diii and the high price of the c300  I felt it would be next year before something suitable came a long. How wrong i was….