My understanding of the RED camera workflow for visual effects

This article work in progress as I try and sort out the best VFX workflow for myself and those working with me.

It seems to me to the best option is to use REDLogFilm and save compressed 16BIT exr files or 10bit dpx files. REDLogFilm directly copies the Cineon spec and we can use our standard Log to Linear workflows.

But …
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Tips for creating stereoscopic 3D ( S3D )

If people were meant to see 3D movies they would have been born with two eyes.
-Apocryphally attributed to Sam Goldwyn

Stereoscopic 3D is here to stay. Studios and manufacturers are pushing more shows and fancier tech. While digital workflows, impossible in the early days, mean a better experience for the viewer without the headaches of poorly balanced S3D.

This is an outline of our workflow for a native S3D show. At Lexhag the depth grade is done on the fabulous Mistika. For VFX I’ve invested in Eyeon Dimension.

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Scripting Tip: Useful equation to blend between two values.

This is a simple but very useful equation to blend between two values A and B.

( A * w ) + ( B * ( 1 – w ) )

w is a weight value.

Blend maths for compositing and rigging

When w = 0 the answer is B,
and when w = 1 the answer is A.

( A * 0 ) + ( B * ( 1 – 0 ) ) = A
( A * 1 ) + ( B * ( 1 – 1 ) ) = B

This equation is used all over computer graphics. It the basis of compositing pixels, and can be used to make controls for technical animation ( see this eye rig setup for 3dsMax )

Tutorial: Using the maths as an expression in Eyeon fusion.

In this tutorial I use an expression script to animate a blend between two changing positions. This allows the creation of a new point based on the current position of two other points.

You can download a sample file here


Note: using *  in algebra …

The convention is write equations concisely without the * for multiplication like this:

A w  + B ( 1 – w )

This is because hand written algebra tends to use single letters for variables, and multiplication signs can get confused with the variable x. While this form is easier to read, it can be confusing were people are  used to reading computer code, and are expecting * for multiplication and long variable names.

Merge Tool Maths

This is a brief breakdown of the maths behind Fusion’s Merge Tool.

The Operator modes are well documented. But, I’ve done some digging around to uncover the maths behind the Apply mode, Alpha Gain and Burn In.

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