3dsmax modelling for buildings tutorial

Modelling Scroll work

A short video crash course for modelling building detail in 3ds max. Shows shortcuts, tricks, tips and gives a quick round trip through some of the most useful modelling tools in 3dsmax.

Looks at:

  • Splines
  • Lofts
  • Editable poly
  • Turbosmooth Modifier
  • Symmetry Modifier
  • Chamfer Modifier

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custom Tool Example

Basic colour correction maths for compositors

This is an advanced tutorial. But If you can: add, divide, multiply, and subtract then you can understand the basic maths of colour correction.

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Substance Designer tips: Show input and output names

ShowInputNamesSD is great but when connector names are hidden it can be confusing.

You can display the name of inputs and outputs by clicking on the little “i” icon on top of the graph window and checking Display Connector Names.

The name displayed is defined by the “Label” text field of the input or output node.



Nodal Alchemy

Allegorithmic Tools Google Community

Environment Art

BlackMagic Fusion setup tips: Pathmaps

Setting Global PathMaps in Fusion.

Setting pathmaps is my top tip if you work with Fusion on different computers. Often drive letters or working folder names will change so when you open a Fusion .comp on a different machine all the loaders fail and you have to reconnect then. Using Fusion pathmaps stops this happening and saves a lot of time.

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Iray performance tips to reduce fireflies


Picked up a few tips on the  Nvidia IRay forum

There is an Iray Performance tips PDF that suggests a couple of tricks to reduces fireflies.

Adjust texture resolutions to the scene requirements.

  • Textures compete with geometry for the GPU memory. The higher the resolution of
    textures, the less the memory available for geometry, and vice-versa.
  • High frequency textures at high resolutions may become a source of further noise
    and require more time to converge.

The total reflectivity (reflectivy * reflection_color) should be capped to 0.7. It’s OK to use a white reflection color with a reflectivity of 0.7. It’s also OK to use a reflectivity of 1.0 and a reflection color of 0.7.

At blog.irayrender.com/ I found a maxscript filter firefly-removal-max-script that may help.

I’m tempted to design a custom filter in fusion to deal with fireflies in animated sequences. But unless things improve with iray I’m likely to move over to VrayRT for GPU rendering